Digitarum, by Derek Bailey
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Digitarum, by Derek Bailey
Free Ebook Online Digitarum, by Derek Bailey
A grand fantasy epic that draws inspiration from fictions both old and new. Five gods are born into a world of absolute nothingness and have but one task to complete – build. Each of them have their own special powers and talents which they lend toward this effort, but before long, darkness takes root within the world that they construct. The gods struggle against their enemy throughout the ages and despite all of their power, they find that evil is a cunning opponent which comes in many forms. They care for the world as it grows to new heights and serve as champions for the people that live within it. This sprawling tale spans from the birth of a world until the end of its days and takes readers on a journey that freshly combines familiar narrative elements and themes.
Digitarum, by Derek Bailey- Amazon Sales Rank: #1446066 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-03-28
- Released on: 2015-03-28
- Format: Kindle eBook
About the Author Derek Bailey is a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University’s Game Design and Development Program (BA) where he also completed minor in Creative Writing. He is a graduate of the four year Honors Program, was President of the Game Design and Development Club, served as a Peer educator, and frequently acted as a lector during Sunday Mass on campus. He has a passion for storytelling in all forms and across a number of genres. He has ghostwritten a science fiction novel, but Digitarum is his true debut novel.
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Most helpful customer reviews
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. I’m impressed! By Mik Hetu, Author I’m impressed!Derek Bailey creates not just another world but a whole ‘nother reality; he has quite a vivid, detailed, and thorough imagination. What’s more, he is able to convey this other-reality universe and many generations of life in it with pretty good storytelling. The characters drive the action and make you want to keep reading till the end, and the end wraps up the plot nicely.They characters are portrayed with minimal description and dialogue but through their actions are convincingly three-dimensional. In fact, I am sure that various readers will identify with different main characters, and there are a few scenes that I am sure some readers will read and think, “That’s like me” or “That’s exactly like my brother / sister / cousin / friend.”From his author profile we know that Derek Bailey is relatively young, and he tells us that this is his first novel. It is not altogether surprising, then, that he does not have the voice of someone who has written a dozen books – but that’s okay! Although his relative inexperience shows a bit, overall, it is a good, solid piece of work. (I look back at what I wrote when I was his age, and I’m blown away by the comparison!) He touches on some rather big issues, both societal and personal, but with a light hand – he doesn’t sound preachy or naïve. In other words, no, this is not a masterpiece, but it is an enjoyable and worthwhile read.In summation, yes, I will buy his future books, and I’m betting he will develop both his writing and a fine fan following.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Compelling story of creation and destruction By Cy Wyss Digitarum is world-building of a different sort, being really more of a creation myth than anything else. Five gods emerge from a primordial egg into a dark, empty universe and they are told each has their purpose. One lights the space and becomes known as the light bringer. Others start to create: land, a tower, colors, and finally beings in their own image. One of the gods moves off from the others and is only interested in destruction, believing that's his purpose. Will the destroyer tear down what the creators have made? Or will the fledgling beings in this new world band together with their creator gods and banish the destroyer? The answers make for a compelling story.I liked the book. The writing is well-paced and flowing. It is, however, fairly abstract and (for example) low on specific descriptions. I found it hard to visualize the gods themselves and their people, other than imagining them as fairly generic but blue humans. Similarly for the landscape. The gods also seem to fall into the common trap of super powers which is that their extent is never clear. They seem to be as powerful (or not) as needed for the story. I realize fantasies like Digitarum require significant suspension of disbelief and perhaps it is my flaw that I find it difficult, not the book's. I liked the ending twist. I had been thinking how anti-science the story was getting, then that got turned on its head at the very last second. That was a great moment and, overall, made for a good read.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A refreshingly different, original, curious, absorbing book to read. By PHILIP DODD It is good to read a book that is like no other. Digitarum by Derek Bailey is such a book. I found it to be a refreshingly original, stimulating book to read. I think it could be classed more safely under Mythology or Alternative History than Science Fiction or Fantasy. Bravely its author goes back to the beginning and describes how it was when the first beings came to be aware of themselves and each other. The only book that its first few pages reminded me of was a modern prose translation I have of Gilgamesh. I have been interested in mythology for a long time, mostly in Norse, Greek and Sumerian myths, so I enjoyed reading this new creation myth, which had such familiar elements as gods who are makers and the one of their kind who becomes their betrayer and plans to be their destroyer, the battle between good and evil, light and darkness, all set down in an interesting, absorbing way. I like the cover of the book, too, which was designed by its author. A simple, striking image, I would call it. I read often how important the cover of a book is, as it is the first thing a potential reader sees, and yet in the reviews of books that I have read the cover is never mentioned. The cover of Digitarum is worth mentioning as it is a fine work of art, created by the author himself. Anyone interested in mythology, alternative history, science fiction, fantasy, and books that are refreshingly different, original, would find this curious book an absorbing read.
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